Monday, November 22, 2010

Life is not Mundane. Watch This Video.

Now here is a perfect example of our true nature.

Isn't it amazing how mundane we can allow our lives to become? How we can shape and mold ourselves to fit into a way that is very "serious" and unemotional... Sometimes, when I am in touch with my conscious authenticity I look around me and I find it almost humorous to see people walking around so serious in their tight suits doing business, taking every little bit of the illusion so seriously, because I know it is just a costume that we allow to become very real. Nothing is wrong with that costume or way of being...sometimes it is fun to pretend. I've worn my share of costumes, and costumes can be an effective avenue through which someone can do their purpose-work. But if someone isn't happy in their life, or has forgotten why he or she came here to begin with, and is longing for fulfillment somewhere deep inside...

What if we raised our selves up to a new level of being...forgoing the need to fit--the need to keep on doing the same things we've always done the same way we've always done them...what if we let our true nature shine out and stopped being so afraid of how crazy or funny or strange we might be?

Because the truth is, no matter how much we choose to deny it, no matter how many times we've been "trained" or told by others that we are not--the truth is, we ARE radiant, amazing, emotional, beautiful beings by nature. We LOVE each other! For so long we have denied that. We've pretended a separation. Maybe we were scared of what it might mean to be powerful. Maybe we were scared for what would happen if we opened our selves up so wide. Maybe we were scared for how it might change our lives...but...

What if we let ourselves feel things deeply...What if moments and expressions like the one in this video became more commonplace? What if we healed our disconnection with our souls--with each other-- with that wild original creativity within us, and finally let ourselves Be? What if we were that honest?

I love to see authentic expression radiating out to the world. It seems to come in beautiful waves at this point in time... it seems to come in precious moments and experiences created by individuals from their own place of pure Joy. Pure Remembering. But I believe there is more and more of it every day. We can see evidence of it in videos like this.

The things we feel when we watch this--we feel them because we are still connected. We may have forgotton for a while. But the truth is--This life is Not mundane. There is nothing mundane about it, or about us. It is a wild and beautiful adventure we have chosen. Yes. Chosen. And no matter how things may seem to the human part of ourselves...The Soul, the inner, the higher self, our Truth-- whatever we choose to call it--is REJOICING. We are here. You are courageous for taking this plunge. For still being here. What an amazing, beautiful, courageous choice in the name of Love. And in the end, I'm certain there will be no regret. At least not to the Soul. And that is what will go on--spinning and dancing into eternity.

This video is so inspiring to me and reminds me of our wild and wonderful nature-- the way it is when we create something, with Love as our intention...with Joy as our intention--with Purpose...

It is ever important to me now to allow the true essence of my true nature make the choice to let down the walls of fear, anger, and despair by taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions. To heal what it is I need to heal so that every bit of my life and my being can be devoted to my purpose--to Love, in all I do in this life... To be an authentic expression of my own inner beauty. And I wish to inspire others to feel more and be more, and to feel and experience the greatest possible Love that I can on this planet earth-- for all it is-- while I am here. I AM HERE!!! :))))


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