Sunday, September 21, 2008

For The Trees...

I wish I could be a hero to all the Trees...
I wish I could pull the toxins from the air and bring back the freshness of original design.
I want to know the trees breathe easily as they stretch their arms and dance against the sky.
I want to know they are cared for
As they so selflessly serve humanity with their presence and grace.
Still as beautiful and gracious as ever, they fill my chest with sweet air and help my body feel free as I lay beneath their leaves twirling high above.
There is a silent stillness as they watch the rush of humanity;
Even the careless and unconscious placement of their children;
Without a thought of days to come
When their roots will so powerfully break and lift the confinements placed around them, for they are ever wild and free and cannot be contained.
Must we become so disconnected
that we forget about the very real Life that exists in such a Being?
We are fortunate to share this time and exsistence with those very quiet and ancient ones
That demonstrate with such ease the real meaning of life.
May we stop to listen to their subtle whispers, their gentle and patient voices,
Calling us back into what is Real.
Their roots touch and connect beneath our feet, guiding us to the memory of our unseen connection with one another.
To Love and Honor the Earth and its miraculous inhabitants
is not merely a passing fancy or a style,
But is in fact a very necessary choice and way of life;
For without their choosing to Be present here with us,
We could not Be here.
So let us take care to watch and observe them,
To take in the magic of the tiny worlds of life around us.
Let us see that the balance and rhythm is already there with out our intervention.
Let us learn to let Nature Be
And see what it may have to teach us;
Let us be humbled by the Intricate Simplicity and Powerful Life-Force
of each blade of grass,
of each tiny creeping thing,
Every towering mountain,
And the music in the thunderstorm.
Let us be aware of the role we play in each moment of creation.
May our Appreciation, our compassion, our consciousness,
Grow beyond the limits of our learned habits and behaviors into a loving awareness of our connection to all Life,
And may it affect the very choices we make
Until our lives reflect the true Joy of Being part of the Whole:
Every little piece of Love around us brings a gift:
The late evening sunlight that dances and sparkles on the flowers,
The sweetness of fruit upon our lips.
The fragrance of lilies and lilacs on the breeze,
The intense palate of the autumn trees.
The freshness of the air we still can breathe,
The Hope in the sunrise,
the active life in a sprout from a tiny seed.
I want to be one who recognizes the Trees, for they have never given up on us.
Still they are here with us.
A pure vision of Love,
An incredible expression of Truth.
They are still whispering to us,
Calling us back into Remembrance...
Can you hear them?